Employees quit their employment for a variety of reasons, including poor management, a lack of appreciation, no proper leadership training, unethical company practices, and a host of other undesirable possibilities.
It’s critical to look into the underlying reasons behind an employee’s resignation. An employee joins an organization to pursue a career. Employees look for employers who share their values, competencies, and aspirations when choosing where to work.
Therefore, it’s critical to consider the reasons behind their decision to leave when something goes wrong.
To improve employee retention and foster a more favorable workplace culture, let’s look more closely at these factors:
Work- Personal life Imbalance:
Organizations continue to require one person to do the duties of two or more individuals due to economic pressures. This is particularly true when an organization undergoes a downsizing or restructuring, resulting in greater hours and weekend labor. Employees are required to choose between their personal and professional lives. When both spouses or close friends work, it makes the situation even worse for the current, younger workforce.
Looking for a clearer company vision:
Working for a company with a defined mission is essential to finding a fulfilling career. Your interest in looking for a company with more clearly defined values may increase if your employer’s objectives and mission statement are unclear. By doing this, you’ll be able to see more clearly how your efforts are assisting the organization in realizing its bigger objectives.
Work didn’t fulfill expectations:
It has become all too usual for a position to materially diverge from the original description and what was promised during the interviewing phase. This can create mistrust if it happens. What more could they possibly be lying about, the employee begins to wonder. Real employee ownership is impossible when trust is lacking.
Feeling underappreciated:
Everyone desires praise and appreciation for a job well done. It’s a trait of who we are. There is no requirement that recognition is paid. Sincere appreciation serves as the best form of recognition. Not only is it polite to recognize employees’ efforts, but doing so also serves to reinforce the acts and behaviors that have been reinforced. Executive leadership coaching can be helpful in these scenarios to bridge the gap between management and employees.
Lack of feedback and coaching:
Effective managers continuously provide all staff with coaching and feedback to assist them all to perform better. Even though they intuitively understand that providing and receiving honest feedback is crucial for growth and the creation of successful teams and organizations, ineffective managers put a delay in providing feedback to their staff.
Poor pay and promotions:
Money isn’t typically the main reason people quit a company, studies over the years have shown, but it does score highly when an employee can find a position earning 20 to 25 percent more elsewhere. Promotions and raises are frequently put on hold due to the economy, but they take a while to start up again once the crisis is over. Organizations may not set out to provide the finest benefits in their region, but if they don’t, they had better offer competitive pay and benefits while fostering a sense of worth among their workforce! This combo is essential.
Looking for more independence:
Some supervisors micromanage you in order to monitor everything you do. You might feel that your role requires more independence and autonomy as a result. A good employer trusts their staff and provides them the freedom to solve problems on their own.
Toxic work culture:
Ten times more significant than remuneration in predicting turnover is a toxic corporate culture, which is by far the best predictor of industry-adjusted attrition. Generally, the main causes of toxic environments include failure to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion; employees feeling disrespected; and unethical behavior. The crucial argument is that the main cause of the Great Resignation was a hostile workplace culture.
BeLeader is one of the leadership training companies in Pune that offers comprehensive corporate leadership training and a one-stop solution for achieving the growth of your organization. Connect with us to book free 30 mins appointment.